Men's 5th XI Terriers
Sat 23 Nov 2013
South Berkshire Hockey Club
Men's 5th XI Terriers
Harrow 2
Terriers V Harow Score 5-0

Terriers V Harow Score 5-0

Alison Eatwell4 Feb 2014 - 21:30
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The Terriers confirmed the progress they have mad this season with this dominating display.

Team Played: Terriers Harrow

Bracknell Score: 5

Opposition Score: 0

Scorers: J Wilson 4 Jamie Hall 1

Match Report:. Once more the team was disrupted by and injury to a senior player early in the game and found themselves with a four man midfield consisting of 3 thirteen year olds and Rik Temmink. despite this the side still controlled the game and the youngsters were at no point intimidated by the maturity of their opposite numbers. Such was the domination that in the first half countless chances were created only to be thwarted by an outstanding goal keeping display and a series of tantalizing near misses. Happily the lead was taken with an outstanding move just before half time. The second half continued much as the first but this time more goals came in reward with Jonathan Wilson scoring four and Jamie Hall sealing a fine performance with his second senior goal. Josh Davies , Zak Brayshaw and Connor Eatwell were outstanding in midfield and the game saw the debut of Mike Davies
senior who managed to contrive to miss a certain goal from all of a foot.

Match details

Match date

Sat 23 Nov 2013


Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Hockey equipment - Grace Hockey sponsorhip