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Safeguarding 2 of 4

2. Players responsibilities (including parents of Juniors)

The following summarises some of the key requirements to ensure a successful and safe on-going experience for players. This is meant as a check not an exhaustive list of all the policies that are in place;-

Maintain registration details and update on change in condition

It is the player's / parent's / guardian's responsibility to ensure that they maintain full records on the pitchero, which is the system used to capture players information. It is all important, but of critical note are;-

  • Injury or medical conditions;- The player must also inform the coach / captain to ensure that appropriate measures can be taken
  • Correct emergency contact details.
  • Confirm on your club profile that you will commit to the declarations on code of conduct, fitness and Covid-19 to ensure South Berkshire Hockey club is maintained as a welcoming and safe environment
  • [*} Confirm your acceptance of the safeguarding policies contained in this section of the website including asking to create a positive environment for all members and, for parents, that they will need to accept that juniors playing in adult teams may be transported and potentially have showers with senior members who are not DBS checked.

Key points for all players, parents and supporters to ensure safe participation;-

  • You must make your England Hockey Declaration

  • You must update your Club profile to indicate you have made your EH declaration.

  • You must declare your availability in Pitchero for every training session, match and internal tournament. This declaration doubles as your declaration you are COVID-19 symptom free before play.
  • Some specific parent's responsibilities for their Junior players

  • It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure their child is ready to play at the start of the session and plan arrangements for collection of their child at the end of the session. It is not the responsibility of the club outside of the session's times.

  • For any parent of a junior playing in a senior team then the parent must have accepted the safeguarding policies contained in this section of the website by ticking the safeguarding box in the player profile. This includes accepting that juniors playing in adult teams may be given lifts and have potentially have showers with senior members who are not DBS checked.
  • Finally, if you have any safeguarding concerns then please raise them with your coach, captain or welfare officer